What do you do if you are among those people fortunate enough to score a new position? A friend who is an engineer once told me it typically takes a new engineer a year just to find the rest rooms. Of course he was exaggerating but his point was clear. Today, that behavior will get you fired in 6 months. Unlike 10 years ago, you can't just walk in without planning how you can "hit the ground running" which is a phenomenon known in HR as "on-boarding." Here's a four point plan to get you off the ground:
- Start your job BEFORE your first day-What do I mean by this? The idea is to make yourself feel as if you "fit" in immediately. Reach out & try to hold one to one meetings with key people you'll be working with [including customers if relevant]. Create a plan for the first 3 months that include readily achievable tasks such as becoming skilled using the company's proprietary software; study the company & their financials. If when you've interviewed you've asked about the immediate challenge you will face, be prepared with a plan of attack
- Learn helpful backstories about your new company's products & culture that will assist you when you need to make a point or make a sale. NEVER speak ill of your previous employer
- Establish critical relationships-While the term largely speaks to executives, whether you are in management or not, your superior will be checking on your progress with others so it is your immediate task to identify those key people & build strategic alliances with them or they can dash your new career before it begins
- Target immediate success-Establish & achieve some immediate goals you can point to demonstrating your accomplishment with the organization. Remember: everyone loves a winner
Ready, set, GO!