This week's line of the week belongs to the Republicans specifically the women in the form of tie between Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal & Meghan McCain [& daughter of the Senator from AZ] of the Daily Beast. While both lines are in many ways laughable, they are both also tragic in an odd sort of way. The other thing these two lines share is that they both reflect a less than flattering truism about women of all political stripes. Simply put, instead of supporting each other, whether at work or at home, we are always each other's harshest critics. No wonder we don't have a woman in the White House yet.
About Gov. Sarah Palin's last 11 months & the effect on the GOP leading up to her bombshell resignation, Noonan said:
"...She was out of her depth in a shallow pool..."
Perhaps that's true but ouch!
In an article formed as a memo to Republicans, Meghan McCain was hardly any kinder. As an invested party interested in seeing her cohorts lead the GOP out of the wilderness, she [wisely] begs the Young Republicans not to elect someone with racist leanings as their leader in the form of 38-year old Audra Shay. About the person in question, McCain says:
"...Also, did I mention that she’s 38? And she’s going to be the leader of an organization with the word “young” in the title? Is it so implausible that people in their twenties (or even early thirties) could join the Republican Party--or have we just completely given up on their vote?.."
Memo to Ms. McCain: yup, in the current climate, the 20 & 30 year old vote may just be a tad out of reach. As for the so called "young" Repblicans, I have to admit that this is taking "40 is the new 30" just a little too far!